Test Plan

How we do Test plan


SKP Tutorials

6/15/20233 min read

person using pencil
person using pencil

Creating a test plan involves outlining the approach and strategies for testing a specific project or system. It helps ensure comprehensive test coverage and provides guidance for the testing team. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a test plan:

  • Define the objective: Clearly state the purpose and objectives of the test plan. Describe what you intend to achieve through testing, such as identifying defects, validating functionality, or assessing performance.

  • Identify the scope: Determine the boundaries and extent of the testing effort. Specify the features, modules, or components that will be included or excluded from testing. Define any dependencies, constraints, or assumptions that may impact the testing process.

  • Identify the test team: Determine the roles and responsibilities of the testing team members. Assign tasks and establish communication channels for effective collaboration.

  • Determine the test levels: Identify the different levels of testing that will be conducted, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, or acceptance testing. Define the objectives and activities for each level.

  • Identify the test types: Determine the types of testing that will be performed, such as functional testing, performance testing, security testing, or usability testing. Specify the objectives, techniques, and tools for each test type.

  • Define the test environment: Specify the hardware, software, and network configurations required for testing. Identify any specific test data or test environment setup necessary for executing the tests accurately.

  • Identify test deliverables: Determine the artifacts that will be produced during testing, such as test plans, test cases, test scripts, test data, and test reports. Define the format, content, and schedule for each deliverable.

  • Define the test approach: Specify the overall approach to be followed during testing. This includes the testing techniques, methodologies, and strategies to be employed. Describe any specific testing methodologies or frameworks that will be utilized.

  • Identify test tasks and dependencies: Break down the testing effort into specific tasks, such as test case design, test execution, defect reporting, and test environment setup. Determine the dependencies between these tasks and define their sequence.

  • Define the entry and exit criteria: Establish the conditions that must be met before testing can commence (entry criteria) and the conditions that must be fulfilled for testing to be considered complete (exit criteria). This includes factors like code stability, environment readiness, and completion of specific activities.

  • Plan for test data: Determine the test data required for executing the tests. Identify any data generation or data acquisition tasks. Consider both normal and boundary cases, as well as any specific scenarios or conditions to be tested.

  • Determine the test schedule: Develop a timeline for the testing activities. Define milestones, testing phases, and estimated effort for each task. Consider any dependencies on external factors or resources.

  • Identify risks and mitigation strategies: Identify potential risks and issues that may impact testing. Assess their likelihood and impact on the project. Develop mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address these risks.

  • Define the defect management process: Establish the process for reporting, tracking, and resolving defects. Specify the defect tracking tool to be used, as well as the severity and priority levels for categorizing defects.

  • Obtain approval and review: Share the test plan with relevant stakeholders, such as project managers, developers, and business representatives. Incorporate their feedback and obtain approval before proceeding with testing.

  • Bug Tracking and Reporting: Determine the process for logging, tracking, and managing defects found during testing. Establish a system for prioritizing and resolving defects. Define the format and frequency of defect reports.

  • Execute and Monitor: Implement the test plan according to the defined schedule. Monitor the progress of testing activities and ensure that the test coverage is adequate. Track and report any deviations from the plan.

Evaluate and Improve: Once the testing is complete, evaluate the effectiveness of the test plan. Assess the coverage, accuracy, and efficiency of the testing process. Identify areas for improvement and document lessons learned for future reference.

Remember that the test plan should be a dynamic document, subject to updates and revisions throughout the testing process. Regularly review and refine the plan based on feedback, changes in requirements, or lessons learned during testing.