Test Cases

How can we start writing Test cases


SKP Tutorials

6/15/20232 min read

a sign on the side of a building
a sign on the side of a building

Test cases are specific conditions or scenarios that are designed to validate the functionality, correctness, and quality of a software application or system. They are written as a set of steps or actions that are executed to verify whether the system behaves as expected and meets the specified requirements.

Test cases are designed to cover various aspects of the system, such as functionality, performance, security, usability, and compatibility. They are crucial in identifying defects, ensuring the system meets the requirements, and providing confidence in the quality and reliability of the software application or system.

  • Test Case ID: [Unique identifier for the test case]

  • Test Case Name: [Descriptive name for the test case]

  • Description: [Provide a brief description of the test case, including the objective or purpose]

  • Preconditions: [Specify any necessary setup or conditions required before executing the test case]

Test Steps:

[Step 1: Describe the specific action or input to be performed]

Expected Result: [Describe the expected outcome or result of Step 1]

[Step 2: Describe the next action or input to be performed]

Expected Result: [Describe the expected outcome or result of Step 2]

[Continue with additional steps as needed]

Test Data:

[Provide any specific test data required for the test case]

Expected Results: [Summarize the expected outcome or result of the test case]

Actual Results: [Leave blank for test execution]

Pass/Fail: [Leave blank for test execution]

Notes: [Add any additional notes or observations related to the test case]

You can use this template as a starting point and customize it based on your specific testing requirements. Remember to include relevant information such as test case ID, name, description, preconditions, test steps, test data, expected results, and any additional notes.

some sample test cases that can be used as a starting point for testing a login functionality of a web application:

Test Case: Successful Login

Description: Verify that a user can successfully login with valid credentials.

Test Steps:

Enter valid username and password.

Click on the "Login" button.

Expected Result: The user should be logged in and redirected to the home page.

Test Case: Invalid Credentials

Description: Verify that an error message is displayed when invalid credentials are entered.

Test Steps:

Enter invalid username and valid password.

Click on the "Login" button.

Expected Result: An error message should be displayed indicating that the credentials are incorrect.

Test Case: Empty Credentials

Description: Verify that an error message is displayed when the username and password fields are left empty.

Test Steps:

Leave the username and password fields empty.

Click on the "Login" button.

Expected Result: An error message should be displayed indicating that the fields are required.

Test Case: Password Case Sensitivity

Description: Verify that the password is case sensitive during login.

Test Steps:

Enter a valid username.

Enter the correct password but with different casing.

Click on the "Login" button.

Expected Result: An error message should be displayed indicating that the credentials are incorrect due to the password case mismatch.

Test Case: Forgot Password

Description: Verify that the user can reset their password if they have forgotten it.

Test Steps:

Click on the "Forgot Password" link.

Enter the registered email address.

Click on the "Reset Password" button.

Expected Result: An email should be sent to the user's registered email address with instructions to reset the password.

These are just a few examples of test cases for a login functionality. Depending on the specific requirements of your application, you can expand and customize these test cases or create additional ones to cover various scenarios and edge cases.