System Testing

System Testing


SKP Tutorials

6/19/20233 min read

water flowing on clear glass
water flowing on clear glass

System testing is a type of software testing that focuses on verifying the behavior and performance of a complete system or application. It is performed after unit testing and integration testing to ensure that all the components work together as intended and meet the specified requirements.

Here are some key aspects of system testing:

Scope: System testing verifies the functionality, performance, security, reliability, and overall quality of the entire system or application, including all its integrated components.

Test Environment: System testing is usually conducted in an environment that closely resembles the production environment to replicate real-world conditions.

Test Types: Various types of tests are performed during system testing, such as functional testing, performance testing, load testing, stress testing, security testing, compatibility testing, and usability testing.

Test Coverage: The goal of system testing is to ensure comprehensive test coverage, which means testing all the features, functions, and interactions of the system to identify any defects or issues.

Test Scenarios: Test scenarios are designed based on the system requirements and user expectations. These scenarios simulate different real-world usage situations to ensure the system behaves correctly in each case.

Test Data: Test data is prepared to cover various scenarios, including normal and boundary conditions, erroneous inputs, and edge cases, to validate the system's behavior under different circumstances.

Defect Management: During system testing, defects or issues are identified, logged, and tracked using a defect management system. These issues are then addressed by the development team.

Documentation: System testing involves documenting the test plans, test cases, test results, and any issues found during testing. This documentation serves as a reference for future testing cycles and helps in maintaining the system.

Sign-off: Once system testing is complete, stakeholders review the test results and provide their approval or sign-off, indicating that the system is ready for deployment.

System testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability, functionality, and quality of a software system before it is released to end-users. It helps identify and rectify any defects or issues early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of costly failures in the production environment.

An example of system testing for a web-based e-commerce application:

Scenario: Testing the checkout process

Objective: To verify that the checkout process of the e-commerce application functions correctly, allowing users to complete a successful purchase.

Test Steps:

  • Launch the application and navigate to the product page.

  • Select a product and add it to the cart.

  • Verify that the product is added to the cart and the cart total is updated correctly.

  • Proceed to the checkout page.

  • Fill in the required shipping information, such as name, address, and contact details.

  • Verify that the shipping information is correctly displayed and entered.

  • Select a shipping method from the available options.

  • Verify that the selected shipping method is correctly applied to the order.

  • Provide payment details, such as credit card number, expiration date, and CVV.

  • Verify that the payment information is correctly entered and validated.

  • Place the order and verify that a confirmation message is displayed.

  • Check the database to ensure that the order details are stored correctly.

  • Verify that an email confirmation is sent to the user's provided email address.

  • Navigate back to the application's home page and verify that the cart is empty.

Expected Results:

  • The selected product is added to the cart, and the cart total is updated accordingly.

  • The shipping information is correctly displayed and entered.

  • The selected shipping method is applied to the order.

  • The payment information is correctly entered and validated.

  • A confirmation message is displayed after placing the order.

  • The order details are stored correctly in the database.

  • An email confirmation is sent to the user's email address.

The cart is empty after completing the purchase.

Notes: During the testing process, it is important to consider both valid and invalid inputs to cover different scenarios. This includes testing with incorrect or incomplete shipping/payment information, testing edge cases such as high quantities or amounts, and handling error messages appropriately. Additionally, other system functionalities such as inventory management, user authentication, and order tracking may require separate testing scenarios to ensure the overall system is thoroughly tested.