Software Testing Life Cycle

SKP Tutorials

6/15/20233 min read

a bike is parked on the beach near the water
a bike is parked on the beach near the water

The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a systematic approach followed in software testing to ensure that the software being developed meets the desired quality standards. It consists of a series of phases or activities that help guide the testing process from the initial planning stages to the final delivery of the software. The STLC typically includes the following phases:

Requirement Analysis: In this phase, the testing team analyzes the requirements of the software to gain a clear understanding of what needs to be tested. This involves reviewing the software specifications, functional and non-functional requirements, and identifying any potential risks or challenges.

Test Planning: Test planning involves creating a comprehensive test plan that outlines the objectives, scope, resources, and timelines for the testing activities. It also involves identifying the test environments, test data, and test techniques to be used.

Test Case Development: In this phase, test cases are designed and developed based on the requirements and specifications. Test cases are specific scenarios or conditions that need to be tested to ensure the software functions as intended. Test cases may include both positive and negative scenarios to cover various possibilities.

Test Environment Setup: The testing team sets up the required test environments, which include the hardware, software, and network configurations needed to execute the test cases effectively. This may involve installing and configuring the necessary tools and applications.

Test Execution: In this phase, the actual testing takes place. Test cases are executed, and the software is checked for any defects or deviations from the expected behavior. The results of the test cases are recorded, and any issues or bugs are reported to the development team for fixing.

Test Cycle Closure: Once the test execution phase is complete, the testing team analyzes the test results, prepares test reports, and evaluates whether the software meets the predefined exit criteria. Test closure activities also include gathering metrics, identifying lessons learned, and conducting a review of the testing process.

The STLC is often iterative, meaning that after the test cycle closure, the process may restart for subsequent releases or iterations of the software. The goal is to continually improve the quality of the software through effective testing and feedback.

The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is required for several reasons:

Quality Assurance: The primary purpose of STLC is to ensure the quality and reliability of the software being developed. By following a systematic testing process, the testing team can identify defects and issues early in the development cycle, allowing for timely resolution and preventing the occurrence of critical bugs in the final product.

Risk Mitigation: Software testing helps in mitigating the risks associated with software development. By thoroughly testing the software at various stages, potential risks and issues can be identified and addressed before the software is deployed in a live environment. This reduces the chances of failures, system crashes, and other problems that could lead to financial loss or damage to the organization's reputation.

Requirement Validation: Testing plays a crucial role in validating the software against the specified requirements. By testing the software against the defined functional and non-functional requirements, any gaps or inconsistencies can be identified and rectified. This ensures that the software meets the intended purpose and satisfies the users' needs.

Defect Identification and Resolution: The STLC provides a structured approach for identifying and reporting defects in the software. By following a well-defined testing process, the testing team can thoroughly analyze the software and uncover defects that may otherwise go unnoticed. These defects are then reported to the development team for resolution, ensuring that the software is improved and refined.

Customer Satisfaction: High-quality software that meets user expectations is crucial for customer satisfaction. By following the STLC, software defects and issues are detected and resolved before the software is released to end-users. This helps in delivering a reliable and robust software product, enhancing customer satisfaction and building trust in the organization.

Cost and Time Efficiency: Early detection and resolution of defects through effective testing can significantly reduce the overall cost and time required for software development. Fixing defects in the later stages of the development cycle can be time-consuming and expensive. By incorporating testing from the initial stages of development, the cost and effort required for rework and retesting can be minimized.

In summary, the Software Testing Life Cycle is required to ensure the quality, reliability, and usability of software applications, mitigate risks, validate requirements, and deliver high-quality software products that meet user expectations. It helps in identifying and resolving defects early, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction.