Software Requirement Specification


SKP Tutorials

6/20/20234 min read

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a view of a town from a window

A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is a formal document that describes the requirements of a software system. It serves as a foundation for the development process and provides a clear understanding of what the software should accomplish.

Parameters, in the context of software requirement specifications, refer to the variables or factors that define the behavior, functionality, or characteristics of the software system. These parameters help specify and constrain the software's behavior and guide the development process. They can include:

Functional Requirements: These parameters define the specific tasks and operations that the software should be able to perform. They describe the features, actions, and inputs/outputs of the system. For example, a functional requirement for an e-commerce website could be the ability to add products to a shopping cart or process payments.

Non-Functional Requirements: These parameters describe the qualities or attributes of the software system, rather than specific functionalities. Non-functional requirements include aspects such as performance, reliability, security, usability, scalability, maintainability, and compatibility. For instance, a non-functional requirement could be that the system must be able to handle 1000 simultaneous users without significant performance degradation.

Performance Requirements: These parameters define the system's performance characteristics, such as response time, throughput, or resource usage. They set expectations for how the software should perform under different conditions. For example, a performance requirement could state that the system must respond to user input within 2 seconds.

Constraints: Constraints are limitations or restrictions on the software system that may arise from technical, organizational, or external factors. These can include hardware limitations, budget constraints, regulatory requirements, or compatibility with existing systems. Constraints help define the boundaries within which the software must operate.

User Interface Requirements: These parameters describe the graphical user interface (GUI) or user experience (UX) aspects of the software. They specify the layout, navigation, visual design, and interaction patterns that users will encounter. User interface requirements help ensure that the software is intuitive, easy to use, and visually appealing.

Data Requirements: These parameters define the data structures, formats, and storage requirements for the software system. They specify how data should be captured, processed, stored, and presented. Data requirements may include considerations such as data integrity, privacy, security, and compliance with data protection regulations.

System Integration Requirements: These parameters address how the software system should interact and integrate with other systems or components. They define the interfaces, protocols, data formats, and communication mechanisms required for seamless integration. System integration requirements help ensure interoperability and smooth data exchange between different systems.

These are just a few examples of the parameters that can be included in a Software Requirement Specification. The specific parameters and their details will depend on the nature of the software system being developed and the needs of the stakeholders involved.

A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document that outlines the detailed requirements for a software system. It serves as a guide for software developers and stakeholders to understand the functionality, performance, and design constraints of the software being developed. Here's a general structure and some key components typically included in an SRS:

A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document that outlines the detailed requirements for a software system. It serves as a guide for software developers and stakeholders to understand the functionality, performance, and design constraints of the software being developed. Here's a general structure and some key components typically included in an SRS:


Purpose: State the purpose and objectives of the document.

Scope: Define the scope of the software system.

Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations: Provide a list of technical terms used in the document.

System Overview:

Description: Provide a high-level description of the software system, its major components, and its interactions with external systems.

User Classes and Characteristics: Describe the different types of users and their roles in the system.

Functional Requirements:

  • Use Cases: Identify the various use cases that describe the interactions between users and the system.

  • Functional Features: List the specific features and functionalities expected from the software system.

Non-functional Requirements:

  • Performance: Specify performance metrics such as response time, throughput, or maximum number of concurrent users.

  • Security: Define security requirements, including user authentication, data encryption, or access control.

  • Reliability: Describe system availability, error handling, and recovery mechanisms.

  • Usability: Specify user interface and user experience requirements.

  • Compatibility: Identify compatibility requirements with other systems, platforms, or devices.

  • Constraints: Describe any constraints that might impact the system design or implementation, such as regulatory or hardware limitations.

System Interfaces:

  • User Interfaces: Describe the interfaces through which users interact with the system.

  • External Interfaces: Identify any external systems or services the software system needs to integrate with.

Data Requirements:

  • Data Description: Define the types of data that will be processed, stored, or transmitted by the software system.

  • Data Validation: Specify any data validation rules or constraints.

  • System Requirements:

  • Hardware Requirements: Outline the hardware infrastructure needed to run the software system.

  • Software Requirements: List the required software components, libraries, or frameworks.

  • Network Requirements: Specify any network infrastructure or protocols necessary for the system.

Other Requirements:

  • Legal and Compliance: Identify any legal or regulatory requirements that must be met.

  • Documentation: Define the documentation needs for the software system.

  • Appendices:

Additional supporting information, such as diagrams, mockups, or supplementary documentation.

It's important to note that the specific structure and content of an SRS may vary depending on the organization and project. The SRS should be a comprehensive and clear document that accurately represents the software requirements and serves as a foundation for the development process.