Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


SKP Tutorials

6/14/20236 min read

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The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured process that outlines the stages and activities involved in developing software. It provides a systematic approach to software development, from the initial concept to the deployment and maintenance of the software. The SDLC typically consists of the following phases:

Requirements Gathering: In this phase, project stakeholders, including users, business analysts, and developers, identify and document the software requirements. This involves understanding the needs of the end-users, functional and non-functional requirements, and any constraints or dependencies.

System Analysis: In this phase, the requirements are analysed in detail to define the system's architecture, components, and modules. The system design considers factors such as scalability, performance, security, and integration with other systems.

System Design: Based on the requirements and analysis, the system design phase focuses on creating a blueprint of the software solution. It includes defining the overall structure, data models, interfaces, algorithms, and the selection of appropriate technologies and tools.

Coding/Implementation: This phase involves the actual coding or programming of the software solution based on the design specifications. Developers write code in the chosen programming language, following coding standards and best practices. It also includes unit testing to verify the correctness of individual code units.

Testing: Once the code is implemented, testing activities are performed to identify defects or issues in the software. This includes various testing techniques like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, performance testing, and more. The aim is to ensure that the software meets the requirements and functions as expected.

Deployment: After successful testing and resolving any identified issues, the software is deployed to the production environment or made available to end-users. This involves activities such as installation, configuration, data migration, and user training.

Maintenance: Once the software is deployed, it enters the maintenance phase. This phase includes ongoing support, bug fixing, enhancements, and updates to address issues, incorporate new features, or adapt to changes in the environment or user requirements. It ensures the software remains usable and performs optimally over time.

It's important to note that there are different variations and models of the SDLC, such as the waterfall model, iterative models (e.g., Agile, Scrum), and hybrid models. Each model has its own set of stages and emphasizes different

The V-Model is a software development and testing methodology that follows a sequential process flow. It is called the "V-Model" because of its shape, which resembles the letter "V." The V-Model represents the relationship between each phase of the development life cycle and its corresponding testing phase. It emphasizes the importance of testing at each stage to ensure high-quality software.

Here is a simplified diagram of the V-Model:

Requirement Analysis

System Design

Module Design


Unit Testing

Integration Testing

System Testing

Acceptance Testing

In the V-Model, each phase on the left side of the V represents a corresponding phase on the right side of the V. The development phases progress from requirements analysis to system design, module design, coding/implementation, and finally, unit testing.

Once the development phases are complete, the corresponding testing phases begin on the right side of the V. The testing phases include unit testing (testing individual units of code), integration testing (testing the integration of different units/modules), system testing (testing the entire system as a whole), and acceptance testing (testing against user requirements).

The V-Model promotes the idea that testing should be carried out in parallel with development to catch defects early and ensure that the final product meets the specified requirements.

Agile methodology is an iterative and flexible approach to project management and software development. It emphasizes collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle. The Agile methodology was developed as an alternative to traditional waterfall methods, which followed a linear and sequential process.

Key principles of Agile methodology include:

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: Agile projects prioritize frequent communication and collaboration with the customer or end-user to ensure that their needs and expectations are met.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: Agile places a strong emphasis on the value of effective teamwork and communication among team members, valuing their interactions more than relying solely on processes and tools.

Working software over comprehensive documentation: While documentation is important, Agile focuses on delivering working software or tangible products to the customer at regular intervals. This allows for faster feedback and the ability to adapt to changing requirements.

Responding to change over following a plan: Agile projects are designed to be flexible and responsive to changes in requirements, priorities, or market conditions. The focus is on adapting the project plan and deliverables as necessary rather than rigidly sticking to an initial plan.

Agile methodologies commonly use frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Lean to implement these principles. Scrum is one of the most widely used Agile frameworks and involves breaking work into short iterations called sprints, with a focus on delivering incremental value. Kanban is another popular framework that visualizes work on a board and limits work in progress. Lean principles focus on eliminating waste and maximizing value delivery.

Agile methodologies offer several benefits, including increased customer satisfaction, faster time to market, improved quality through regular feedback, increased collaboration and transparency, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements. However, Agile may not be suitable for all projects or organizations, and it requires active participation and commitment from the project team and stakeholders to be successful.

Scrum is an iterative and incremental framework for managing complex projects and product development. It is often used in software development but can be applied to various industries and domains. Scrum emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

The key elements of Scrum include:

Scrum Team: A self-organizing cross-functional team responsible for delivering the product or project. The team usually consists of a Product Owner, Development Team, and Scrum Master.

Product Backlog: It is a prioritized list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes that need to be implemented in the product. The Product Owner is responsible for managing the backlog and ensuring it reflects the requirements and priorities of the stakeholders.

Sprint: A time-boxed iteration in which the Scrum Team works to deliver a potentially shippable product increment. Sprints are usually 1-4 weeks long, and at the end of each sprint, a product increment is delivered.

Sprint Planning: A meeting where the Scrum Team determines which items from the product backlog they will work on during the upcoming sprint. The team selects a set of backlog items they believe they can complete within the sprint timeframe.

Daily Scrum: A short daily meeting, often called the "stand-up," where the Development Team synchronizes their work. Each team member shares what they did since the last meeting, what they plan to do next, and if they are facing any impediments.

Sprint Review: A meeting held at the end of each sprint where the Scrum Team presents the completed work to stakeholders and receives feedback. The Product Owner and stakeholders review the product increment and discuss any changes or adjustments needed.

Sprint Retrospective: A meeting where the Scrum Team reflects on their way of working and identifies improvements for the next sprint. The team discusses what went well, what didn't go well, and action items to enhance their effectiveness.

Scrum provides a framework for teams to adapt to changing requirements, collaborate closely, and deliver value incrementally. It encourages transparency, inspection, and adaptation throughout the project lifecycle. The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in facilitating.

The term "Hybrid SDLC" typically refers to the combination or integration of different software development life cycle (SDLC) methodologies or approaches to suit the specific needs of a project or organization. It involves blending the principles and practices of multiple SDLC models to create a customized approach that best fits the project requirements.

Here are a few examples of popular SDLC models that can be combined to create a hybrid approach:

Waterfall and Agile: This hybrid model combines the linear, sequential nature of the Waterfall model with the iterative and flexible aspects of Agile methodologies like Scrum. It allows for upfront planning and requirements gathering (Waterfall) while incorporating Agile principles of iterative development, frequent feedback, and adaptation.

Agile and DevOps: This hybrid model combines Agile methodologies, known for their iterative and collaborative approach, with DevOps practices that emphasize continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. It focuses on close collaboration between development and operations teams to streamline the entire software development and deployment process.

Spiral and Lean: The Spiral model emphasizes risk management and iterative development, while Lean methodologies focus on reducing waste and maximizing value. By combining these two approaches, the hybrid model promotes continuous improvement, risk mitigation, and efficient resource utilization.

Kanban and Lean: Kanban is a visual management system that enables teams to visualize and optimize their workflow, while Lean focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency. This hybrid model combines the visual aspects of Kanban with Lean principles, enabling teams to continuously optimize their processes and deliver value in a streamlined manner.

The choice of hybrid SDLC depends on factors such as project requirements, team structure, organizational culture, and stakeholder expectations. It allows teams to leverage the strengths of different methodologies while tailoring the approach to their specific needs, ultimately improving flexibility, collaboration, and project outcomes.