List the different types of severity in software testing..

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8/1/20231 min read

a raccoon in a cage
a raccoon in a cage

In software testing, severity is used to describe the impact or seriousness of a defect or bug found during the testing process. The severity level helps prioritize the resolution of issues based on their potential impact on the software. Here are the different types of severity levels commonly used in software testing:

Low Severity:

A defect with minimal impact on the software's functionality.

It may be an aesthetic issue or a minor deviation from expected behavior.

The defect does not significantly affect the overall performance or usability of the software.

Medium Severity:

A defect that has noticeable impact but does not cause critical failures.

It may affect certain functionalities or produce incorrect results under specific conditions.

The software remains usable, but some areas may be compromised.

High Severity:

A defect that affects critical functionalities or causes significant problems in the software's operation.

It may lead to data loss, application crashes, or incorrect calculations.

The software is still functional but with major limitations.

Critical Severity:

A defect that renders the software unusable or causes severe malfunctions.

It may result in a complete system crash, loss of important data, or a security breach.

The software cannot be used until the critical issue is resolved.

Blocker Severity:

The most severe level of defect.

A blocker issue prevents the software from functioning at all or poses a severe security risk.

The software cannot be released until the blocker issue is fixed.

The severity level of a defect is typically combined with the "priority" level to determine the order in which defects should be addressed during the bug-fixing process. Priority reflects the importance of fixing the defect concerning project timelines, customer impact, and other project-specific factors.

It's important to note that the definitions and names of severity levels may vary slightly between different organizations or testing methodologies. However, the general concept of categorizing defects based on their impact on the software's functionality remains consistent across software testing practices.