How to begin manual testing

To Start manual Testing


SKP Tutorials

6/15/20233 min read

ladybug on green plant
ladybug on green plant

Understand the requirements: Read and analyze the requirements document or any other relevant documentation to gain a clear understanding of what needs to be tested.

  • Create a test plan: Develop a test plan that outlines the scope, objectives, test cases, and testing techniques to be used. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your testing efforts.

  • Identify test scenarios: Based on the requirements, identify different test scenarios that cover the various aspects of the software or system under test. Test scenarios are a high-level description of what needs to be tested.

  • Design test cases: For each test scenario, design detailed test cases that specify the input values, expected results, and any preconditions or prerequisites for executing the test. Test cases should be comprehensive, covering both positive and negative scenarios.

  • Execute test cases: Follow the test cases you have designed and execute them systematically. Record the results, including any deviations or defects encountered during the testing process.

  • Report and track defects: If you find any defects or issues during testing, report them in a defect tracking system or through a designated process. Include detailed information about the defect, steps to reproduce it, and any supporting documentation.

  • Retest and verify fixes: Once defects are fixed, retest the affected areas to ensure that the fixes were successful and that no new issues were introduced.

  • Perform regression testing: Whenever changes are made to the software, conduct regression testing to ensure that existing functionality has not been adversely affected. Revisit previously executed test cases and verify that they still work as expected.

  • Iterate and refine: As you gain more experience with manual testing, learn from your findings and improve your testing approach. Continuously refine your test cases, test scenarios, and testing techniques to enhance the overall quality of your testing efforts.

Remember, manual testing is a time-consuming process and requires attention to detail. It is important to plan your testing activities effectively and allocate sufficient time for thorough testing. Additionally, consider using test management tools to help streamline the manual testing process and track your progress.

Manual testing is often considered an iterative process because it involves repeating testing activities in cycles or iterations. Here are a few reasons why manual testing is iterative:

  1. Continuous refinement: Manual testing is an ongoing process of identifying and fixing defects or issues in software. Testers execute test cases, observe the system's behavior, and document any bugs or problems they encounter. Based on the findings, they refine the test cases, update test scripts, and retest the software. This iterative cycle continues until the desired level of quality is achieved.

  2. Feedback-driven: Manual testing relies on the tester's judgment and expertise. Testers provide valuable feedback on the software's behavior, usability, and overall quality. This feedback influences subsequent testing cycles, allowing testers to focus on specific areas or features that require further attention or improvement.

  3. Progressive exploration: Manual testers often employ exploratory testing techniques where they investigate the software's behavior without predefined test cases. They explore different scenarios, functionalities, and inputs to uncover defects and gain a deeper understanding of the system. This exploratory approach is iterative in nature, as testers refine their exploration based on earlier findings and adjust their focus as they gain more insights.

  4. Regression testing: Manual testing involves performing regression testing to ensure that changes or fixes in one part of the software do not introduce new defects or break existing functionality in other areas. Whenever a change is made, testers repeat relevant test cases or execute a subset of tests to validate that the system still behaves as expected. This repetition of tests after each change is an iterative process that ensures the overall stability of the software.

  5. Test case enhancement: Manual testers continuously enhance their test cases by incorporating new scenarios, edge cases, and user feedback. As they gain more knowledge about the system, they identify additional test scenarios that were not initially considered. This iterative enhancement of test cases helps in improving the overall test coverage and ensuring the software's robustness.

By embracing an iterative approach, manual testing allows for continuous improvement and the identification of defects and issues throughout the software development lifecycle. It enables testers to adapt, refine, and optimize their testing efforts based on the changing requirements, user feedback, and evolving understanding of the system under test.