How do you perform localization testing in manual testing?

How do you perform localization testing in manual testing?.


SKP Tutorials

6/22/20232 min read

black and white concrete building
black and white concrete building

Localization testing in manual testing involves verifying the functionality and quality of a software application in different locales or target markets. Here's a general approach to perform localization testing manually:

  1. Understand the Requirements: Obtain the localization requirements and documentation for the software application. This includes details about the target locales, supported languages, cultural considerations, date and time formats, currency symbols, and any other specific requirements.

  2. Prepare the Test Environment: Set up the test environment by configuring the system settings, such as language, date, time, and regional settings, to match the target locale. Install the necessary language packs or localization tools if required.

  3. User Interface Testing: Verify the user interface (UI) elements and ensure that they are correctly translated, properly aligned, and fit within the allocated space. Check for any layout issues or text truncation that might occur due to longer or shorter translations. Also, examine the UI for any cultural sensitivity issues or inappropriate content.

  4. Input and Output Testing: Test input fields, such as text boxes, drop-down menus, and radio buttons, with data specific to the target locale. Ensure that the application can accept and process localized characters, symbols, and formats. Validate the output results to confirm that they are displayed correctly and as expected for the specific locale.

  5. Date and Time Testing: Verify the behavior of the application with different date and time formats specific to the target locale. Test how the application handles date calculations, time zones, daylight saving time, and any other relevant time-related functionalities.

  6. Currency and Number Testing: Test the handling of currency symbols, decimal separators, thousands separators, and numeric values specific to the target locale. Ensure that currency conversions, formatting, and calculations are accurate and displayed appropriately.

  7. Language-Specific Testing: Focus on language-specific functionality and peculiarities. Test features such as sorting order, text direction (e.g., left-to-right or right-to-left), and any language-specific input methods or keyboards. Pay attention to the linguistic accuracy, grammar, and readability of the translated text.

  8. Localization of Error Messages: Test error messages, validation messages, and system-generated notifications to ensure they are translated correctly and convey the intended meaning in the target language.

  9. Cultural Adaptation Testing: Consider cultural aspects, customs, and sensitivities relevant to the target locale. Check if the application adheres to local norms, laws, and regulations. Verify the proper display of national holidays, time formats, and any other culturally significant elements.

  10. Compatibility Testing: Ensure compatibility with localized versions of operating systems, browsers, and other relevant software components used in the target locale. Test the application's behavior on different devices, screen resolutions, and orientations.

  11. Localization of Documentation: Verify the accuracy and completeness of the localized documentation, user guides, help files, and other supporting materials. Ensure they are consistent with the application's localized version.

  12. Regression Testing: Perform regression testing to ensure that localization changes or fixes do not introduce new issues or impact existing functionality.

Remember that this is a general guideline, and the specific testing approach may vary depending on the application, target locales, and project requirements.