Business requirement specification


SKP Tutorials

6/20/20232 min read

a white tablet with a few pens and a few pencils
a white tablet with a few pens and a few pencils

A business requirement specification (BRS) is a formal document that describes the high-level objectives, goals, and expectations of a project or initiative from a business perspective. It outlines the specific needs and requirements that must be addressed in order to meet the business goals and deliver value to the organization.

The BRS serves as a communication tool between the business stakeholders and the development team, helping to ensure a common understanding of the project requirements and objectives. It provides a foundation for the development of more detailed technical specifications and guides the project team throughout the entire project lifecycle.

Here are some key components typically included in a business requirement specification:

Introduction: Provides an overview of the project and its purpose, including the background, scope, and objectives.

Business Objectives: States the specific goals and outcomes the project aims to achieve, highlighting the expected benefits for the organization.

Functional Requirements: Describes the desired functionalities and features of the product, system, or service being developed, focusing on what it should do to meet the business needs.

Non-functional Requirements: Specifies the quality attributes, constraints, and performance expectations of the system, such as scalability, security, usability, reliability, and regulatory compliance.

User Stories/Use Cases: Presents scenarios and specific examples of how users will interact with the system or product, capturing the desired workflows and user experiences.

Data Requirements: Defines the data elements, sources, formats, and any data-related rules or constraints that need to be considered in the project.

Assumptions and Constraints: Identifies any assumptions made during the requirement gathering process and any limitations or restrictions that may impact the project.

Business Rules: States the rules and logic that govern the behavior of the system or application, outlining the decision-making processes and workflows.

Stakeholder List: Provides a comprehensive list of the individuals or groups involved or affected by the project, including their roles and responsibilities.

Acceptance Criteria: Specifies the criteria that will be used to determine if the project deliverables meet the business requirements and are ready for acceptance by the stakeholders.

The BRS document serves as a baseline for the project and undergoes refinement and iteration as the project progresses, with input from stakeholders, subject matter experts, and the development team. It is crucial for ensuring alignment between business goals and technical implementation, facilitating successful project outcomes.